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The fastest way to take your Idea to Startup

Are you future ready?

The best time to start is now

Increase in Funding

An estimated 7 billion dollar funding came to Southeast Asia, a fivefold increase between 2012-2016


Evolving ecosystem and enhanced support from government backed initiatives

Displaced Jobs

5 million jobs are going to be displaced due to emerging technologies like AI by 2020

Now is the time

Experts across the world concur that this is the best time to be an entrepreneur

What It Would Cost You to Start Out on Your Own in Singapore

The opportunity cost of missteps are high if you’d start your entrepreneurial journey alone

SGD in Household Expenses per Month

The average monthly household expenses for a family of four.

Months to Get Your Startup Going

Sometimes missteps take even longer due to delays caused by service agencies.

SGD in Estimated Development Costs

Tech development costs usually balloon up due to half-baked launches or unvalidated business ideas.

SGD of Estimated Financial Runway Needed to Get Going

It’s your hard earned money and precious time at stake to get your startup journey going.

The fastest way to take your Idea to Startup

First Stop a unique programme which enables
mid career professionals and anyone with an idea to start their own venture. The journey from idea to startup starts here.

Learn the startup essentials

Get startup essentials FAST in 2 weeks. This acclaimed e-learning course will teach you topics ranging from planning your business model to pitching to investors.

Get assessed by global experts

After the e-learning program, you will pitch and interact with global experts. You will be able to validate your idea with smart diagnostics based on expert evaluation.

Connect with resources

Network with our community of investors, founders, and mentors. You will also get access and deals
from our partners that offer products and services required to run a successful startup.


First Stop is an online programme that combines theoretical and experiential learning through online webinars and educational materials, one-on-one interactions with experts and community networking.

Learn the Ropes (Week 1-2)

You will learn the following topics in this structured e-learning course.

Startup Business Modelling

Understand how to monetize your business and validate your business idea. Using a Business Model Canvas, map out what problem(s) you are solving, who your customers are, who your competitors are, and how you can monetize your business.
This lean startup model is commonly used to draw up a quick business plan.

Pitch Deck Preparation

The first step to raise funding for your startup is to create and deliver a great pitch. Learn the Effective Persuasion Methodology™, a system tested with over 2,000 startups, and practice it to convince investors. You’ll also be provided with pitch deck templates to create a killer pitch deck.

Financial Viability Plan

Learn how to plan for the financial viability of your startup. You’ll be provided with a financial tool that helps you model, predict and analyse different business scenarios. You’ll also be provided with an ecosystem planning tool, that maps out the funding resources available in Singapore. Then, you can navigate around the ecosystem with ease.

Team Building & Management

The best startups have an A-team powering the vision. Learn GRIT, a framework developed by Angela Duckworth, one of the leading indicators that determines the mental toughness of individual team members. Startup leaders learn how to administer this test and to interpret. You’ll also be given free tools that will help you manage the team effectively, and build a winning team culture.

Ecosystem Planning

Get access to customized tech industry reports. Find out the latest trends, analysis and forecasts to understand how various stakeholders interact with one another.

Holistic Health Management

You’ll be provided with productivity tools, and resources that will help you stay sane amidst the madness of starting your own venture.

 Online Expert Evaluation (Week 3-4)

Pitch and interact with industry experts to validate and get your startup assessed.

Online Pitching

After nailing the basics, you’ll have the opportunity to pitch to our experts online. It’ll be a live session and you’ll get to answer the experts’ questions in real time.

Expert Assessments &
Business Evaluations

In this phase, you’ll be assigned to 2 mentors, and be given 2 hours to discuss with them online. You’ll have the opportunity to receive any strategic advice and ask them questions face to face.

Smart Diagnostic Report

We’ll combine the art of expert advice with the science of our algorithm, to evaluate your business idea. At the end of this stage, you’ll receive a diagnostic report that highlights areas of improvement and areas which you have done well in.

Connect & Get Amplified

Network with community of investors, mentors and founders, and get access to critical resources.

Connect with Angel Investors

If you emerge as one of the top 5 participants, you’ll receive business mentoring and get connected with Startup-O Angel Investors Community. Tap into our wider network, to bring your business idea to life.

Connect to Startup-O Founder Community

You will get lifetime membership to our 700+ full time founders from the Startup-O Founder Community. In this community, these founders share their experiences and advice in running a startup.

Skilled Mentors on Demand

Depending on the gap areas identified in the diagnostic report, you will receive business mentoring from skilled mentors as needed. Get your startup idea accelerated.

Get Exclusive Access to Resources

Special offers and partner deals ranging from legal to company secretary, UI/UX, to video making products and services.

Get a Chance to Walk Away with Funding and Rewards

Recommendation to StartupSG Founder for eligible startups

Special Partner Deals for the Top 5

Up to $5,000 Worth of Credits for All Participants

Are You Thinking of Switching Paths? 

First Stop is for anyone who wants to dive into entrepreneurship. If you’re thinking of switching career paths, or have been sitting on the fence with your idea for too long, now’s the time to get started.

Corporate Professionals

Bored of the corporate life and wish to kickstart your idea?


Enough managing businesses, it’s time to start out on your own


Make an executive decision to start your business today


With accessible technology, it’s never been so easy to start your own venture

Meet the Experts 

Our panel of experts are domain specialists and serial entrepreneurs who have a passion nurture the next wave of entrepreneurs

Ramm C.B

Ramm C.B


Dorit Greuber

Dorit Greuber

Co-founder, The Hip and Happening Group

Fred Then

Fred Then

CEO, Tjaara Pte Ltd.

Ujjwal Sarao

Ujjwal Sarao

Founder & CEO, TalentStrat Private Ltd

Nishi Seth

Nishi Seth

Head of Field Marketing - JAPAC, Google

Harjot Singh

Harjot Singh

Chief Strategy Officer, EMEA MCCANN WORLDGROUP

Kickstart Your Entrepreneurial Journey Today 

Connect to Experts, Partners and Resources in under 4 weeks!


SGD399/one time
  • “Startup Essentials” Online Course
  • Access to Learning Content (limited to 21 days)
  • Submit Elevator Pitch for a possible upgrade


SGD3000/one time
  • “Startup Essentials” Online Course
  • Access to Learning Content (unlimited)
  • “Insider Secrets” Workshop to finalise Startup Launch Kit
  • 1:1 Mentoring with seasoned mentors
  • 3 Expert Assessments
  • Smart Diagnostic Report
  • Premium support on Whatsapp
  • S$10000 worth special offers from Partners (Google, Hubspot, Legal & Incorporation etc.)
  • SGD1200 credit for use at Premium Coworking Locations (Singapore only)
  • Connect to Angel Investors
  • Potential Funding from SG Founder

Powered by Startup-O

While Startup-O is enabling promising startups which have ‘Product Ready’ and ‘Full Time Founders’ in the market, we believe our tech-enabled online platform, global expert community & other available resources can help thousands of aspiring entrepreneurs transition from idea to startup … FAST. 


Startups Registered




Startups Funded

$250,000 to $500,000

Seed Capital Provided