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Lesson 16: Understanding Your Users’ Needs

 11 min.

Learn the best way to market and build your products based what your customers want. Be aware of every stage of interactions between you and your customers. Refine this process and give your users the best experience!

Lesson 16.1

What Is User Persona?

How well do you really know your audience? Take your customer behaviors and turn them into stories about the different segments of your audience! Well-developed personas will help you tailor your marketing message and help hone your tactics.

3 min.

Lesson Notes
  • Buyer personas are tools used to better understand your customer and their behaviours.
  • Demographics: age, gender, household income
  • Psychographics and behaviour: values and interests, how much they buy, when they shop
  • Build a real living breathing person
  • It helps you to craft marketing message to better connect with the person and help inform media buy and media strategy decision
  • Get past gate keepers, reach the stakeholders, and influence the decision makers


Lesson 16.2

How To Identify Your Customer's Needs

Learn when to use the right business plan.

2 min.

Lesson Notes

How to Identify your customers’ needs

  • Business Goals
  • The improvement each person is trying to achieve with the project
  • Customers expressed their goals through the solutions they have in mind
  • You need to help them define their needs instead of solutions
  • Decision Criteria
  • Personal Goals
  • What do people want from the project for themselves?

Lesson 16.3

How To Identify Your Customer's Needs

In this video, let’s discuss the details that go into a persona and the steps to creating one.

10 min.

Lesson Notes

How to create User Personas

  • Name,
  • Photo
  • Role,
  • Description
  • Focus on the why rather than the how

Lesson 16.4

Examples Of Buyer/User Personas

Deep dive in to what makes a good Buyer Persona.

7 min.

Lesson Notes

The complete list of things to include in a Buyer Persona

  • Buyer Profile
  • Priority Initiative
  • Success Factors
  • Perceived Barriers
  • Decision Criteria
  • Buyer’s Journey