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Lesson 10: How To Present Your Business Model  

44 min.

Find out the who, what and why of creating innovative technologies. Understanding what is innovation and how to create it is vital for improving your business idea as well as executing it. 


Lesson 10.1

How To Present The Business Model Canvas

Let’s walk you through best practices for using the Business Model Canvas when presenting your business ideas. Learn the tricks to introducing your business in an impactful manner.

44 min.

Lesson Notes

Top tips to save your presentation

– Don’t commit cognitive murder – do not put all the text in one slide

– Don’t add too much detail

– Don’t add too many ideas into 1 canvas

– Remember to put all corresponding revenue streams with each customer segment

– Avoid mixing the present and future state – colour code or use separate canvas

– Keep the presentation succinct – leave out irrelevant details

Use arrows to tell your story

Use a few descriptive words and visuals

Be concise

Distinguish between assumptions and facts

Add relevant media content

Structure a story around your business model

Hilti’s Business Model Canvas

Value Proposition: High End Machine Tools (New: Online Fleet Management)

Customer Relations: Direct 1 to1  (New: Remains the same)

Channels: Sales Force  (New: Web)

Customer Segments: Builders  (New: Construction Company CEOs)

Revenue Streams: Transactional Sales  (New: Large Long term subscription contracts)

Key Resources: Factories, Patent, Brand Name   (New: Inventory)

Key Activities: Manufacturing  (New: Service Fleet)

Cost Structure: Manufacturing, Brand   (New: Service)

Key Partners: Partners