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Lesson 24: Managing Your Team And Your Company

12 min.

Building and managing a team is a challenge for all entrepreneurs, but particularly for the first-time business owner who is in many cases learning by trial and error. Some never get it right; learn how not to be that person. 


Lesson 24.1

How To Manage A Startup Team

In this video, learn the top tips on how to better manage your startup team and improve your leadership skills. From how you run your meetings to how you communicate your message as a leader. 

8 min.

Lesson Notes

How to Manage A Startup Team

– Find out what is the best time for employees to work

– Weekly Meetings – Everyone should be updated on each other’s work

– For your Senior Managers, take your team to do a yearly strategic plan

– Message: The job of a leader is to help your employees get unstuck

– Metrics: Delegate and verify

– Motivation: Understand your business

Lesson 24.2

Five Ways To Develop Your Team

To manage their employees effectively, managers need to know when to take on different roles and offer relevant advice. 

4 min.

Lesson Notes

Dilt’s 5 Levels of Learning

  • Specify the issue face and the role you will take
  • Environment – Guide
  • Behaviour – Coach
  • Capability – Teacher
  • Belief – Mentor
  • Identity – Sponsor