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Lesson 26: The Art Of Mindfulness

33 min.

Mindfulness is the psychological process of bringing one’s attention to experiences occurring in the present moment. In this lesson, you will learn various techniques to help relieve stress using this proven method employed by entrepreneurs like Richard Branson and Steve Jobs.


Lesson 26.1

Sustaining Happiness Through Mindful Living

Practicing Mindfulness prepares you for optimal behaviour which will be beneficial for your business. Learn to handle your mind and emotions through Mindful practices in this lesson!

22 min.

Lesson Notes

There are 3 parts to the brain

1.Brain stem – regulates the body and initiates the fight or flight response

2. Limbic system – record memories of good or bad experiences

3. Prefrontal cortex – performs the executive functions of the brain

The Art Of Mindfulness

  • Meditation allows you to have better control of your brain stem and limbic system and therefore, be able to be reflective rather than reflexive.
  • VUCA = Volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous
  • MInd wandering is cause not a consequence of unhappiness.
  • Happiness is key to success
  • Dwelling in the past or the future takes away happiness from the now.
  • When our mind wanders, it tends to wander to the worse case scenario, But often, when the future comes, it’s dependent on our actions and attitude at that point of time.

What do you need at the present?

Positive mindset: open, accepting and learning

The fear of missing out

  • Because of social media, it’s easy to compare yourself with others.
  • FOMO – Fear Of Missing Out
  • Don’t let FOMO distract you from enjoying your present.
  • Be in the present.
  • Have a positive mindset.
  • Meditate

Lesson 26.2

The Model of Mindfulness

Find out what are the three core components of Mindfulness. Understand how the practice of Mindfulness can not only change your mind, but also your brain physically.

11 min.

Lesson Notes

The Model of Mindfulness

Mindfulness is the awareness that arises out of intentionally paying attention in an open kind and discerning way.

3 steps to Mindfulness

Intention: Knowing why we are practicing, our personal vision, goals and aspiration, intention sets the compass of the heart.

Attention: Present moment awareness, 46.9% mind wandering, 12000-15000 thoughts per day with 95% being the same thoughts

Attitude: How are you staying in the present?

“What you practice make you stronger”