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Lesson 9: Examples of BMC  

17 min.

Find out the who, what and why of creating innovative technologies. Understanding what is innovation and how to create it is vital for improving your business idea as well as executing it. 


Lesson 9.1

The Uber Business Model

Here is an example of the Business Model Canvas using the disruptive tech giant Uber.

4 min.

Lesson Notes

Customer Segments: Passengers and drivers

Value Propositions: Give customers a taxi when they need it, give drivers a passenger when they need it

Customer Relations: Automatic

Channels: App, Social media marketing, PR

Key Activities: Platform algorithm development, marketing to balance supply and demand, driver onboarding

Key Resources: Uber Platform, pricing algorithm, routing algorithm

Key Partners: Drivers who own a car, payment predecessors, mapping data providers, local authorities

Cost Structures: Platform development, salaries, sales and marketing, driver payment

Revenue Streams: Pay per ride charges, premium uber brands, surge pricing

Lesson 9.2

The Airbnb Business Model

Find out the right way to use the BMC through the example of Airbnb.

6 min.

Lesson Notes

Value Propositions: Trust, lower prices, offer variety

Customer Segment: customer innovation

Key Partners: Home owners

Key Activities: Marketing, platform maintenance, customer service, lobbying

Lesson 9.3

The Lego Business Model

Running a business is no child’s play. Find out from the maestros of the industry, Lego. 

2 min.

Lesson Notes

Customer Segments: Kids

Key Resources: Patents, licensing rights, Lego brand

Revenue Streams: Sales from multiple channels

Value Proposition: Lego Bricks, Lego branded products

Key Activites: Streamlined operations

Lesson 9.4

The Disney Business Model

Running a business is no child’s play. Find out from the maestros of the industry, Lego. 

2 min.

Lesson Notes

Customer Segments: adults and kids, toy makers, consumer good, manufacturers

Key Resources: brands around characters

Key Activities: movie production, IP rights, theme park

Revenue Streams: Distribution rights, licensing fees

Value Propositions: Licensing, right to broadcast, movies that make us dream, theme park

Lesson 9.5

The Zara Business Model

Running a business is no child’s play. Find out from the maestros of the industry, Lego. 

3 min.

Lesson Notes

Customer Segments: Mid range income, impluse shopper, price conscious 18-40 year old women

Value Propositions: Affordable, fashionable, prime location, design production, delivery chain

Channels: Store location, web store, facebook, blogger

Customer Relations: Boost sale, can’t find same trend any where else, they know you are coming back, don’t focus on customer service

Revenue Streams: 75% woman, 25% men

Key Resources: Logistic, production speed, Trend spotter, designer, control of supply chain,

Key Activities: Continuous evaluating  and renewing design

Key Partners: Blogger, franchise owner, big fashion houses, trend setters

Cost Structure: Logistic, production, HR, material cost, location, oil costs