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Lesson 25: Keeping The Fire Alive

46 min.

No one said building a company is easy. But it’s time to be honest about how brutal it really is. As an entrepreneur, it’s easy to lose motivation. The key is to not give up and to find ways with which you can lift yourself up on those longer, more grueling days. In this lesson, you will learn how. 


Lesson 25.1

How To Heal Founder's Depression

Entrepreneurs are not superheroes although many try to be. According to a study done, 1 in 3 founders experience depression and many are unaware of it. Learn how to beat the blues and stay at the top of your game and life. 

25 min.

Lesson Notes
  • Work on the ‘important’ not the ‘urgent’.
  • Are you really a serial entrepreneur? What is your core identity?
  • Don’t forget to be honest to your customers and investors.
  • Don’t hide the truth.
  • Keep giving your 100%.

About Founder’s Depression

  1. Don’t be ashamed to talk about your depression.
  2. Depression is usually brought about from circumstance and you not taking care of yourself.
  3. Despite having a huge desire for entrepreneurs to prove that they are killing it, you need to figure out how you can balance the important things in your life. Your business, your family life, your friends and your health all work in tandem.

What should you do when you know of a fellow founder who is depressed?

A  depressed person may not wish to talk about the issues he is facing. Sometimes, the human touch is what the person needs because he may just be feeling disconnected. Words of encouragement and understanding will definitely help the founder.

What other support systems could help you with your emotional health?

  • Having a group of investors that are invested in you as a person on top of financial investments.
  • If you are anxious or depressed as a CEO, often, those emotions manifest as aggression.
  • Remember to sleep and exercise. Exercise may just mean getting off the bus early and walking to work. Letting the negative energy go will definitely help your company as the pent up energy will manifest in your work negatively.
  • Personal identity often conflats with the identity of the business. Keep them separate. If your company fails, it does not mean that you are a failure. Don’t get confused with who you are and what you do.
  • Know your values and stay grounded. Who you are and who the world wants you to be is fertile soil for depression.
  • Recognise that your emotions will affect your decisions.

Lesson 25.2

How To Avoid Burnout

Regardless of where you are when it comes to burnout, find out the best tools to help you go through the burnout process.

21 min.

Lesson Notes

How to Avoid Burnout

Who goes through a burnout?



– Control Freak

– Type A

What is the cause for burnout?

– Neglect

– Overload

– Lack of growth

– Newness

– figment of imagination

People you go to are

– Downer

– Upper